Sunday, November 5, 2017

The UN Failure

I will be arguing how the United Nations does not work the way it should. I believe that the United Nations is a very weak and ineffective organization because they work in the self-interests of powerful countries and the smaller countries don’t get paid attention to enough. I will also show how a country like Saudi Arabia who does not believe in human rights leading a U.N. council like the human rights council is very ineffective.
            I believe that the United Nations is very effective for smaller countries that try to wage war against each other. Besides this case I do not believe the United Nations is very useful. Outside of the United Nations I believe that the international community operates in a state of anarchy and a power like the US will wage war against any other country they feel like. Because of this I believe that the United Nations is an organization designed for the bigger countries like the 5 countries with the veto power to act with self-interest on issues. Because of this I believe that the United Nations is an organization that is unfair for countries that are not of self-interest to the larger countries. This makes me believe that the United Nations is not an organization that is fair and effective. One example I find relevant where the United Nations did not act when it should of was the Sri Lankin Civil war. The United Nations did not act in accordance to the civil war breaking out. Because of this over 50,000 civilians were killed in result of this war (Leopold Buzz feed). I believe that the U.N. did not act on the Sri Lankin civil war because the civil war was not of interest to any of the members. Because of this I do not believe that the United Nations is effective.
            Another example I believe the United Nations is ineffective is the fact that Saudi Arabia is a member of the U.N. human rights council.  I believe that this shows how broken the U.N. is because I believe that Saudi Arabia is a major contributor to the worlds human rights problems. Saudi Arabia is a country that believes in capital punishment first. Saudi Arabia executes about 123 people per year and 43 percent of them are nonviolent crimes (Agerholm). The fact that a country like this can be on a council that is very important shows that the United Nations is in effective. I do not believe it is efficient for a country that does not believe in free speech or woman’s rights to lead a council designed to protect rights to be effective.


  1. Hi Theo! I have to say, one of your best posts! I really loved all of the concepts and the ideas presented in this paper. One comment i'd like to make, is actually at the begining of your paper. You say "the smaller countries don’t get paid attention to enough." I know what you're saying, but i'd actually disagree- I think that smaller countries get TOO much attention; their crimes are microscoped and zoned in on too much, rather than the countries that may be perpetuating these crimes. Something to think about.

  2. Hi while I believe that the UN is flawed I do not see it as ineffective. I think that the UN’s failures are discussed much more than its successes and that is why the organization appears ineffective. While the Security Council does have five permanent members with veto power, there are a number of rotating seats which gives smaller or less powerful countries a chance to voice their opinions. Yet I do not believe it is unfair that some countries are not as represented as others. A group of small countries should not be able to overrule the decisions made by larger countries who have more of a stake in the issues discussed. Also, I believe that while Saudi Arabia being on the human rights council is ironic, if we are going to argue about that state’s position, then we must reflect on America’s many human rights abuses. The only reason America does not have a large execution rate is because it takes so long for someone to get off of death row. In 2013 there were 2,979 people on death row and while only 39 were executed, 31 others died of natural or other causes.

  3. Hey Theo I thought this post was very interested and made me think. While I agree with you that Saudi Arabia being on the human rights council is absurd I would have liked you explain more about there abuses of women because when I think about Saudi Arabia and human rights women are what I think of. I also believe the UN has its flaws, like many institutions, I would not call it a failure. I believe the UN has done more good than evil for this world.
