Sunday, September 17, 2017

Trump is a Realist

Jonathan Sullivan

International Relations

Prof. Shirk

September 17, 2017

Trump Is A Realist Mentally

            President Trump thinks and speaks like a realist. The realist mentality is ‘every state for themselves’ and that is exactly what President Trump’s campaign was built on. His ‘Make America Great Again’ slogan is a realist point of view. This ideology was built on the thought that America was sending too much funds to other nations and helping others rather than helping themselves. This supports the realist ideology of everyone for themselves. Trump used disgruntled Americans who wanted a more realist thinker in the White House to win the election back in November. As opposed to previous regimes which used more of a liberalist view of the world Trump’s realist mentality has been prevalent in many of the speeches he has done and in the actions, he has threatened, such as leaving trade deals like NAFTA.

            A large part of a realist’s mentality is also one where militaristic power reigns. Trump has certainly not been shy in talking about the size of the United States’ military and how powerful it is. Just this morning Trump tweeted out, "Important meetings and calls scheduled for today. Military and economy are getting stronger by the day, and our enemies know it." Trump speaking out to how strong the military is a move that a realist would approve of. Former President Obama would never say anything along the lines of how strong the military is because he didn’t believe in the realist ideology of letting everyone know how strong your military is. Another example of Trump’s realist views is his talk about withdrawing the US from the trade deal NAFTA. This is because he views the deal as one where the United States is losing more than it is gaining to other North American countries like Mexico and Canada. Whereas a follower of liberalism can view this deal as good for all and one where all sides can gain, a realist sees the world as zero-sum. This means that if the United States is not in total control and the clear winner of the trade than they are losing the deal to another state. Trump threatening to withdraw from the deal because he views it as not being beneficial enough to the United States is the realist point of view. Trump has shown through his speeches that he clearly thinks with the mentality of a realist.

            President Trump thinks with a realist view of world. This has been prevalent since his campaign began in 2015. His ‘Make America Great Again’ slogan is built upon the realist ideology of every country for themselves. Since he was elected, many of his proclamations have had realist roots. Threatening to withdraw from NAFTA because the United States was losing the deal to other countries is a view a realist would have because of the zero-sum mentality realists attain. Why many will continue to criticize him for his speeches about making America first it is obvious that the thought process behind them is that of a realist. Trump will continue acting and speaking with the mentality of a realist because it was with this mentality that enabled him to win the election.


Trump, Donald J. “Important Meetings and Calls Scheduled for Today. Military and Economy Are Getting Stronger by the Day, and Our Enemies Know It. #MAGA.” Twitter, Twitter, 17 Sept. 2017,

Cassella, Megan, et al. “Trump’s Threat of NAFTA Withdrawal Loses Its Edge.” POLITICO, 23 Aug. 2017,


  1. Your argument is accurate, Trump is the perfect example of a realist. Another possible example of him being a realist is his desire for a wall along the US-Mexico border. He could see this as America ensuring both its security and its survival. While I agree with you that he is a realist, I disagree with the fact that he will continue speaking as a realist. Yes many of his ideas will be prompted by realism, but in today's world there is a need for liberalism. I believe that some of his rhetoric will eventually involve liberal ideas just because it would be impossible to lead effectively solely on a realist platform.

    1. Hi Taylor,
      Thanks for your comments, while yes you and I both agree that Trump is a realist, I'm not saying that Trump won't ever include liberals ideas. I just believe that his mentality when he decides how to act begins as a realist and potentially maybe an advisor will guide him towards a more liberalist strategy.

  2. Hi Jon,I found your paper very interesting. While I agree with your argument, to an extent I want to ask you to question the actuality of Trump: WHO is Trump. Is Trump actually a realist or is he a man who knows who to target for votes/support and then adapt to THEIR views. There have been many instances in the past that demonstrated Trump as quite the opposite of a realist, advocating for peace, against war etc. You claim he is a realist mentally, but is he? Interested in your response.

    1. Thanks Morgan,
      I appreciate your feedback and to answer your question I believe that his mentality is that of a realist not potentially all his actions. I believe Trump's thought process always begins like a realist and the only reason he may not say or act like a realist all the time is because he is advised against it.

  3. There are definitely realist aspects to Trump but realists are not always about bluster. Obama actually had a pretty realist foreign policy (with obvious liberal elements as well that are completely missing from Trump) but a more cautious one. In fact many realists see blunders coming not necessarily from a lack of fight but also from a lack of caution. I.e. the Iraq War.

  4. I would say you are right for the most part about Trump being a realist during the election. Now that he is actually an elected president I do not believe he is a realist at all. I say this because Trump tries to use diplomacy instead of doing all the bomb dropping he said he would do in the election. A good example of this is the fact we are not at war against North Korea yet. When Trump visited Saudi Arabia back in May I could not believe my eyes because I did not believe that pre-election Trump would ever do that. I do not think that much has changed since the Obama era in terms of foreign policy. Bombs were being dropped in the middle east then and they still are not unfortunately.

    1. Hey Theo,
      I appreciate your feedback and I am happy to see that you agree with me during Trump's actions during the election. However, to address your argument I'm not saying Trump always acts as a realist it's just his mentality that remains realist. I believe he is often advised against acting as a realist because people close to him view it as potentially being too aggressive.
